Human Factors Seminar 2018

Technical University of Denmark – DTU 

14 November 2018, 11:00-16:10


The seminar, which was held on the occasion of Professor Henning Boje Andersen’s transition to emeritus (and senior scientist) status, introduced a website of publications by and events related to the work of Jens Rasmussen



Introduction and welcome

Per Dannemand Andersen

Deputy Director, DTU Management Engineering


Looking back and looking forward

Henning Boje Andersen

Professor Emeritus, Senior Scientist, DTU MAN


After Rasmussen – Recent Trends in Human Factors and Human Error

Patrick Waterson

Reader in Human Factors and Complex Systems

HFCS Research Group Leader, Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University


Lunch / sandwiches and networking


Safety and Human Factors across Domains

Kenji Itoh

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Professor, Tokyo Inst. of Technology


Design of ambient assisted living for an aging population

Thomas Bock

Professor, Chair for Building Realisation and Robotics

Technische Universität München


Managing healthcare quality and safety

Christian von Plessen

Director of Center for Quality, Region South


Coffee & refreshments



Simulating for safer human performance

Doris Østergaard

Professor, Director of Copenhagen Academy of Medical Training and Education, University of Copenhagen


Humans at Sea

Peter K. Sørensen

Vice President, Division for Maritime Industry, FORCE Technology


Coalface psychology

John Paulin Hansen

Professor, Head of Human Factors Group, DTU Management Engineering


Reception: Refreshments, snacks. Networking

Download Seminar Programme

For questions about the event, please write to:  

Dorrit Givskov, Administrative Coordinator:


The seminar is supported by the Danish Human Factors Network.
27 JULY 2024